Sunday, October 26, 2008


they say "once you go black you can never go back".. our nation is getting extinct, nobody can rewind that... except the almighty God.. we pray time and again for deliverence from this pandemic,HIV/AIDS.. Its a pitty that a nation considered to be the most peaceful,Botswana is the most hard hit by this syndrome.. preventive methods were invented,a few succeeded and the cure cannot be found.. it has been said at an international HIV conference that this is mostly fuelled by unprotected sexual contact with multiple partners.Batswana where are we heading, can`t we stick to the faithfullness we are taught about in the bible? Dear God save our pittiful souls...

Everybody is an artist in their own way,do you wonder how? Everyone practises art on daily basis. Oftenly not everyone discover their talents except those who are willing to accept change. One could use their talents efficiently only when they are practising it whole heartedly. One of these talents is the art of thinking. Creativity is brought up through this talent. This leads to human life improvement in most cases. It takes designing to come up with these implements. Appropriate designs are made through the art of drawing which is mainly considered as for decoration. Drawing in this case,mostly prepares for a neat and logical arrangement. The way one arranges their assets portrays their personallity. This personallity can also be portrayed by one`s preference of colours,e.g black signifies pain,or in some cases, being secretive,so one can show their pain or be hideous by this art of communication. For the blind, verbal means like poettry could be used in link with music. Music is mostly used as a mean of entertainment. It can also be taken for different messages for specific situations in life. It can be said that all these kinds of arts resembles different personallities of human beings, doesn`t it?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Deltas of the Okavango

Is it adventure that you are looking for? or maybe a honeymoon? Would it be exploring the beauty of nature? Let your next vacation take you away from the hassle and bussle of the city, to the breeze from the streams of water in the morning, to the peaceful sounds of wildlife in the night,only at Okavango.

A vast, looking like a tree feature,by a view from the sky is situated in the Ngamiland district, northwest of Botswana in southern Africa, the mother of human nature. This look is portrayed by the directions and links of streams with dead ends. these swamps are perenneal, thus identifying the area as evergreen. Evergreen, another way of saying eternal life,is mostly referred to trees and other vegetation,like flowers blossoming time and again. this could also refer to the game, that is the wild animals. Let the lions entertain you with their hussle for a meal, be it anykind,and the sweet melodies from the birds of air sing you a "lullabye".

Comfort and luxury is what you will in the camping sites around,Whether to stay in a hotel or a fantastic woodie house? The choice is yours! These houses are built on natural materials around that area.Enjoy staying and sleeping under tree shadows,yet with;an open bathroom, a swimming pool and an elegant interior. When I`m at the Okavango Delta, I feel like my want of travelling to the United States of America are fulfilled.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oscar;the death predicting cat

Oscar grew up in an environment where people die more often,so he is familiar to the smell of a dying person as mostly can only be sensed by cats. Unlike other animals,his predictions are always right because he is used to the smell since he lives with it more often. This is a sign that every natural being has its special abilities.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


More often people look at the concept of wealth as being rich i.e possession of a lot of money for luxurious purposes,owning a luxurious car,staying in a mansion,eating exclusive and expensive food, and all related functions. I would look at it as the resources availed to one for a certain lifestyle. Further more as no man is an island, I would look at it as the resources availed to a society for coping with its environment. In this case the society would be citizens of their country, a country`s weallthiness is affected by several issues. Litteracy is one of these issues, if a large part of the community can`t read and write,communication is hindered in alot of ways thus taking time and capital to acquire the much needed information. If a community is outstandingly literate,communication will run smoothely, time and capital will be saved and education can run smoothly among the community. Education can improve life of an individual, with educated individuals merging their minds together,a community life can be improved, life improvement can be seen as acquiring wealth. If capital is used well e.g building schools,hospitals and investing on foreign functions, the society can be educationally,healthly and financially wealthy. this would be hindered by unawareness, unplanned use of money and corruption. the wise use of natural resources can also contribute to the country`s wealth sustainably,they should be replaced more often because they can get extinct.Wealth is carried by education,wise use of resources including capital,monitoring of distribution of resources, and good health. with out any of these, wealth accumulation is hindered.