Sunday, October 26, 2008


Everybody is an artist in their own way,do you wonder how? Everyone practises art on daily basis. Oftenly not everyone discover their talents except those who are willing to accept change. One could use their talents efficiently only when they are practising it whole heartedly. One of these talents is the art of thinking. Creativity is brought up through this talent. This leads to human life improvement in most cases. It takes designing to come up with these implements. Appropriate designs are made through the art of drawing which is mainly considered as for decoration. Drawing in this case,mostly prepares for a neat and logical arrangement. The way one arranges their assets portrays their personallity. This personallity can also be portrayed by one`s preference of colours,e.g black signifies pain,or in some cases, being secretive,so one can show their pain or be hideous by this art of communication. For the blind, verbal means like poettry could be used in link with music. Music is mostly used as a mean of entertainment. It can also be taken for different messages for specific situations in life. It can be said that all these kinds of arts resembles different personallities of human beings, doesn`t it?

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